1. RR. Urban Landscape: Seeing Red in Parking Lots

                             (2013-14)   This group of photographs began modestly enough with a photo of a crushed red lollipop alongside a serpentine strip of asphalt patch in a nearby parking lot.

I had no particular objective or plan for the photo at the time, but several days later spotted a bright d antique Ford in another parking lot.  I liked the result, and decided to attempt a full project...red  

This group of urban landscape photographs began modestly enough with a depiction of a crushed red lollipop alongside a serpentine strip of asphalt patch in a strip mall parking lot.  I had no particular objective or plan for the photo at the time, but several days later spotted and photographed a bright red antique Ford in another parking lot.  The outcome was pleasing and I then began to formulating thoughts for a new project...capturing red objects in ordinary parking lot environments.

This photo group now consists of around 60 images, a mix of satirical, provocative, amusing and “straight” photographs.  The series, of course, is also very much about the color red, inexplicably potent and often assuming the role of  subject matter in its own right rather than merely characteristic of objects within the picture frame.